Why Woman Need a Place of Their Own

Why Woman Need a Place of Their Own

Not feeling like you belong. Distracted from your purpose. Uncomfortable. Judged.  Unfortunately, many women feel this way on a day-to-day basis. Imagine feeling this way while attempting to get treatment for a mental health disorder. Not good! You should feel...
July is Minority Mental Health Month

July is Minority Mental Health Month

There’s a lot to celebrate in July from Summertime to the Celebration of Independence (aka. The Fourth of July)! But, did you know that July is also Minority Mental Health Awareness Month? For those of you history buffs out there, Minority Mental Health Month was...
7 Tips For Fighting Depression

7 Tips For Fighting Depression

Emotions like sadness and grief are normal human emotions, but clinically diagnosed depression is a whole other animal.  Depressive symptoms can range from loss of interest, fatigue, overwhelming sadness to extremely severe symptoms that put your life at risk. ...